Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, January 6, 2011

27 weeks!

Hey Guys!

So sorry I am just now updating! Phil and I had a wonderful Christmas break! We started the break off with a celebration dinner for my Dad's 25 years of business then we went to Vegas with some great friends and had a blast!!! Although it rained every day it was still nice to just get away for a little mini-vacay! (see pics below) Once we got back our Christmas festivities soon started! We love Christmas time and we were so thankful that we got to see family and friends!!! :)

After Christmas things slowed down a little bit and we were able to set up Forrest's nursery (it is not complete yet though)  and we had an appointment to see Forrest in 3D on December 29th!!! It was truly an amazing experience and I wish I could get a 3D sonogram every week! :) Knowing that we created such a miracle  and that we will have a son and be parent's in a few short months is a truly unexplainable feeling but in the most amazing way! Forrest was very active during the appointment and we found out just how flexible he was! He had his legs criss-crossed just about touching his head along with his hands in his mouth, and once again we had confirmation that he was indeed a boy ;) (see 3D pics below)

Next week we have our 28 week checkup (I can't believe I will already be 7 months!!!) At this checkup I will be taking the glucose test (this is where they give you basically like a pure sugar drink to drink before you come to the appointment, then an hour later they test your blood to see how fast your body breaks down sugar) to test for gestational diabetes, keep your finger's crossed that I pass because if I fail the test I will then have to go back and do a 3 hour test... this appointment will also consist of the usual too: listening to Forrest's heartbeat, measuring my stomach and etc. After this appointment I will start going in to the doctor every 2 weeks for a checkup until the last month where I will be going to the Dr. every week.

Everything is going fabulous and we couldn't be happier! I am however experiencing decrease of energy as the 3rd trimester begins, but nothing to drastic. I just cope by taking a nap when I get home in the afternoons! :) Only 13 more weeks until we get to meet our little man!!! Forrest has also been getting more and more active every day, but I can't complain!!! He has kept me up a few nights due to him playing around in my tummy :) (he's just training me for when he comes into the world ;) He also likes to kick and roll and stretch out every morning at about 5:30, then the rest of the day he will rest then play (move around and roll) throughout the day. With him moving around all of the time, it makes me that much more excited about him being here, because it has set in just how real this all is, because at first in the beginning of my pregnancy it was like a dream ... up until week 16 I didn't feel him move and I didn't have a "baby bump", but I listened to his heartbeat and saw sonograms of him so I knew he was there... but I never had morning sickness either so it just truly felt like I was having a dream that I never wanted to wake up from! Because we all know that I have dreamed about being a mommy since I was little :) and I couldn't be happier or more proud to be starting a family with the love of my life, Phil is already a wonderful husband and he is going to be a wonderful Daddy!!!

Well guys that is it for now!  See pics below from Vegas and Forrest's 3D sonogram!

Love Always,
Courtney, Phil and Forrest
3D pic. of Forrest's face, you can see his chin,lips, nose, eyes and part of his ear (on the right) and his hand is tucked underneath his chin :) He's already stolen his Mommy's heart :)
 Here is another of his face, you can basically see everything you saw above but in this one his hand is moving in front of his face :)

Another face pic. with more of his hand going for his mouth! (he loves his hands!)

and now his arm is across his face and you can see his hand/fingers curled :)

and now his hand is moving back down away from his face :) I love this look I just want to give him a kiss on those cute little pouty lips

and here is another too cute to handle picture of his pouty lips! ( can you tell I am a proud Momma! :)

And of course another confirmation that Forrest is a boy  (yes his Dad is very proud haha)

In front of Excalibur with our great friends Nina and Jason, we had such a blast!!!

Inside the Venetian!


The shops at the Venetian ( I told Phil it looks like I ate him in this pic haha)

In front of a beautiful waterfall

@ the Bellagio!

6 Months preggo pic at the Bellagio!

@ the Bellagio!

New Year's Eve dinner @ JW Marriott with some wonderful friends Amy and Shane! Amy and Shane are expecting a precious little girl Lyla on May 6th! We are so excited to be going through such an exciting time with them!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pics of Forrest! I think that's so neat that they can see him in 3D. Amy was saying how happy she was that she got to see you and how cute you look, and you do!! Pregnancy suits you very well! :) Glad yall had a good Christmas! xo
